Empowering financial institution operations with Intelligent Process Automation

Trusted by leading financial institutions

The future of AI-native operations

Proprietry AI Agents and Models
Data Elements
Reduction in Opex
Coverage On Entities

Solutions for every step


Streamline your marketing efforts and boost customer acquisition with Screen, leveraging AI to target and engage the right prospects efficiently


Elevate lead screening with predictive Risk and Response Scores, reducing CAC and boosting conversions for enhanced profitability


Enhance your top-of-funnel marketing and customer acquisition with instant, AI-driven insights into extensive business data, optimizing targeting and streamlining lead qualification


Simplify KYB checks with instant, AI-powered API access to extensive business data, from SOS registration to OFAC lists and EIN matching, ensuring thorough due diligence

Income Misrep Index

Revolutionize your VOI process by cutting costs and boosting conversions, targeting income fraud more effectively and minimizing unnecessary checks


Enhance customer verification with Verify, automating KYB and VOI processes to ensure accuracy and compliance with minimal effort


Protect your operations with Monitor, using intelligent automation to detect fraud and risk in real time, keeping your portflio and transactions secure


Secure your transactions and platform by swiftly identifying and neutralizing fraudulent merchants with unmatched precision


Elevate customer service with a secure, AI-native intelligent automation engine—specialized in workflow automation, advanced customer interaction, and complaint management, not just a chatbot


Revolutionize customer engagement and support with Engage, automating interactions for timely, personalized communication and complaint resolution

Streamline your operations with our robust entity perception layer

Our Security Commitment

In addition to Livesight's SOC 2 Type 2 certification, all systems and controls conform to NIST 800-53 and ISO 27001 standards. Applications and infrastructure are independently audited on a regular basis. All data is secured in transit and at rest with TLS 1.2+ and AES-256 encryption.

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